Seconds is a for profit company that works closely with different charities and churches in throughout Ontario and Quebec. Seconds does not choose which charities/churches we work with; Seconds believes each organization is just as important as another. Seconds currently works with 13 different thrift stores across Ontario, Canada. Our goal is to always create a cost efficient service by either paying for the recycled items or having a free pick-up service (based on volume and location). At the end of the day, we treat each store differently based on their needs. We’ve been servicing the needs of thrift stores since 2003.
Seconds also collects clothing on behalf of Steps Recovery located in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. We’ve been working with Steps Recovery for 8 years, helping maintain the required volume needed for their clothing bank which funds their programs.
Seconds just recently started a clothing drive program that is geared towards churches in Ontario. There are currently 7 different churches that are a part of the program, which generate revenue from the clothing drive to help fund their programs.
We offer the following four recycling programs: